The Orthic Coil
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The Orthic Coil

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The Orthic Coil Empty The Orthic Coil

Post  Lilith'yia Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:30 am

The Orthic Coil

During the time of the Great Galactic War, three Masters of the Sith united through a subtle familiarity of how each practiced the Force. Discerning the benefits of such cooperation and having shown their loyalty in service to the Emperor, the three established the exclusive Orthic Coil. Within this Order, they consolidated resources and close allies and delved into mysteries to expand their powers. As the War drew to a close, the Orthic Coil further dedicated itself to their unique take on the Sith Ideals.

As the Cold War lengthened, the three opened their doors to students who had already completed the basic curriculum of a Sith Academy, those seeking to further their own learning and abilities. Thus the Academy arose, each member of the Triad heading a different House or Faction within its walls. The Coil however was not to stop there, as the education of students was only part of the mission. They opened further avenues of membership, enlisting the aid of Imperial Agents for intelligence, Bounty Hunters for “troubleshooting,” all explained for the advancement of the Empire, be it through overt or covert means.

So shall you banish the frailties of hope, wither the relenting of love, scorch the fountain of tears. So shall you be accomplished in the furnace, so shall you see the things that ought not to be seen, sights that are abominable, and secrets that are unutterable. So shall you read elder truths, sad truths, grand truths, fearful truths. So shall you rise again before you die, and so shall our commission be accomplished - to plague these hearts until we had unfolded all capacities of the spirit.


((The Orthic Coil will be a medium to heavy Roleplaying Guild founded by a group of friends who have played several MMORPG’s together. We wish to offer a deep, compelling RP experience within the Sith Empire, keeping a flexibility within our structure that allows for people to enter at many different levels of experience, dependent upon where one sees their character. One may enter as an apprentice and student, a member of faculty, a freelance agent, or any number of other available options that might fit into the Order and its Academy.

We ask that all members be 18+ years of age as well as their characters also being an age of majority. We have few restrictions in the type of RP in which we engage, most certainly veering toward the “dark” and mature.

We have recently founded the guild on Lord Adraas with a small, quality group. We will be using this web site for planning and development as well as more detailed information, forum RP, applicant reviews, and a myriad of OOC topics.

We seek other, like-minded RPers who wish to help us develop the Guild whilst enjoying the rich environ to be offered in TOR. If you are so interested, please feel free to post an Application, send me a PM here, or look for us in-game. The characters that are the members of the Triad are Tenebrae, Gemens, and Ilithyia (me).))


Posts : 96
Join date : 2012-01-29

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The Orthic Coil Empty Re: The Orthic Coil

Post  Lilith'yia Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:54 pm

The Academy within the Orthic Coil is divided into three Factions or Houses as follows:

The House of Sighs - Governed by Lord Gemens

The House of Darkness - Governed by Lord Tenebrae

The House of Tears - Governed by Lady Lilith'yia

Characters are encouraged to engage in inter-rivalries amongst the three factions.  While this may seem to beg membership within a House, such is not a requirement.  Characters are certainly welcome to join an appropriate House and students within the Academy may eventually suffer if maintaining an independence and not joining a House.

The specific governance of each House is up to whichever member of the Triad oversees it, and thusly there may be opportunities to fill many positions within each Faction.

Posts : 96
Join date : 2012-01-29

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